
Follow these 4 Easy Steps to Get Your ClickReport Account Live in Just Minutes!

Step 1: Name your campaign

Step 1

First, create a Campaign (or a Group) for your landing pages by giving it a name. You can name your Campaign anything, however, we recommend using the same name as your Google Ads Campaign to avoid confusion. You can create multiple campaigns by clicking on the "Add Campaign" button on the "My Campaigns" page.

Step 2: Tell ClickReport what page(s) that you want to monitor.

Step 2

Add the URLs of the landing pages you wish to track to your Campaign. You can monitor a single landing page or add several pages to the campaign.

Step 3: Add the unique tracking code(s) to your landing page(s)' source code

Step 3
Where Can I Find My Tracking Codes? will generate a unique tracking code script for each of the landing pages added. To get the tracking code for a page, log into your account and go to the "My Campaigns" page. Click on the URL of the page whose tracking code you want to access, and a menu will drop down. On the right, click on the 'Get Tracking Code Script' option. Your tracking code will be displayed on the next page. Each landing page listed in your account has its own unique tracking code.

Where Do I Put My Tracking Codes?

Copy the tracking script and go to the landing page's source code. Past the tracking code just before the closing body tag of the landing page's source code. This will prevent the script from interfering with, or being affected by, other things that may be incorporated into your page.

Remember: Each landing page listed in your account has it's own unique tracking code.

Step 4: Amend your PPC ad links

Step 4

Amend your pay per click advertisement to include the tag you've just added at the end of the destination URL.

To do this:

  1. Login to your Google Ads account.
  2. Click on the Ad Groups tab and select the campaign you're monitoring using ClickReport.
  3. Click on the Ads tab, and then on the edit pencil in the tab. Locate the Destination URL, and add ?crtag=google1 to the end of it.

Note: google1 can be substituted by any text up to 12 characters long 0-9, A-Z, -, and _. No other special characters or spaces should be used.

Example: If your pay per click provider is Google and your destination URL is, simply add ?crtag=Google to the destination URL. The final destination URL now supplied to Google will look like this: www.MySite.Com?crtag=Google

For more help with setting up your account, take a look at our FAQs page or email support at

Additional Information

Now when anyone clicks on your advert, ClickReport will record the following information:

  • Date and time of the visit
  • IP address of the visitor
  • Country, state and city where the visitor is located
  • The Internet Service Provider of the visitor
  • A unique cookie or session ID for the visitor
  • The referrer of the click
  • The keyword the visitor entered to the search engine to find your ad

You will receive a summary E-Mail every day, reporting the total traffic, unique visitors, and unique IP addresses for each landing page you are monitoring. This gives you an excellent snapshot of how your campaigns are working across multiple pay-per-click providers.

To get more details and search the results for a particular pay-per-click vendor, sign in to your ClickReport account and access more detailed and specific reports.

The report also includes repeat IP addresses, which potentially indicate PPC fraud that's going on. When you see that the same IP address is repeatedly clicking on your ads, you can go to Google and block the address so that the visitor doesn't see your PPC ads anymore. By logging in to your Google Ads account and blocking abusing IP addresses, you can prevent PPC fraud and potentially wasted advertising costs.

You can also log in to your account and generate custom reports with the ability to filter and export to PDF and XLS Formats.