5 Steps To Create Amazing Landing Pages That Convert

Landing Pages are an important part of internet marketing. Whether you are attempting to reach customers via email marketing, through pay-per-click advertising, or by improving your SEO for keyword search terms, an amazing landing page is going to bring you more leads and hopefully more revenue.  ZacJohnson.com came up with with 5 simple steps to create amazing landing pages that convert. Each of these steps is explained below:


So many web sites want to put a navigation menu at the top of their page, but this is just another distraction. Navigation menus are fine for blogs and online shopping sites, but when you are sending people to a page to take a specific action, eliminate the top menu bar and you are eliminating another distraction.


Just as important as removing unnecessary navigation bars and other distractions on your landing pages is to make sure they are clean. You are sending quality traffic to your landing pages and want them to take one immediate action. Keep it clean and their focus will be on the call to action.


The last thing you want to see when you visit a form or application on a web site is a ton of different fields to get started. Take a look at how this landing page only asks for your most basic information, then also has a Step 1-4, View Score count down on the site. Once you get your site visitors started with a registration path, they are much more likely to finish it, just give them something small to get started.


Offer an incentive or preview of what your site visitor is working towards. On the top right of this landing page you will see a screenshot for the 782 credit report that they will see when they complete the form. This is a great way to get the person engaged and think “wow, i wonder if my credit score is that high”? Give them a taste of what they are working for.


Lastly, the best way to get people to convert on your site is to simply tell them what to do! You will see two very simple and clear call to actions on this page - ”Start by telling us about yourself” and “Submit and continue”. Walk your site visitors through the process and make it simple, stop trying to complicate the process.

Yes, these are very simple steps and they work… however it takes A LOT of time, money and testing to best understand your audience and make little changes to see what converts best. Be sure to look at other big name offers and landing pages to see what they are doing. There’s a pretty good chance that they have invest thousands (if not millions) of dollars into these most basic principles on making their landing pages convert.

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This week's ClickReport.com Click Tip provided by:

Zac Johnson
Affiliate Marketing Expert

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