Three Reasons Why Your PPC Leads Aren't Converting

It's great that people are clicking on your adverts on Google and Bing, but if they aren't resulting in conversions on your website, it may be time to rethink your PPC strategy.

What is a conversion?

A conversion is an action that visitors take on your website. This can be anything from spending a set amount of time on a specific page, watching a video, signing up to a newsletter, or making a purchase.

Conversions are the key to help grow your business and will help you determine whether you are getting a healthy return on investment from your PPC advertising.

If your leads aren't resulting in conversions and you are below target, here are three tips to help boost your conversion rate.

1. Review the goals on your website

Only 29% of Google Ads account track conversions correctly, so if your stats are a little lower than you would like, it is a good idea to check they are set up right.

Load up Google Analytics and look at the goals that are set up on your website, one-by-one. Are they tracking correctly? If not, have you don't anything on your website recently that might have disrupted tracking – for example, changing a page name or tweaking your event tags?

Are there any goals that you are not tracking that you should be?

If you have checked your goals and they are tracking correctly, it may be time to review the content on your site.

2. Try directing visitors to another page

If all your ads direct your would-be customers to your home page, making some changes could help boost your conversion rate.

Did you know that 44% of clicks go to home pages? This is not a good marketing strategy.

If you point them to your home page, where there are a lot of call to actions to take in, it's a potentially a missed sales opportunity.

Look at your ad copy and see if the landing page fulfills your prospective customers' needs. If not, experiment with pointing your advert to another web page or better yet, create a brand new web page that will tick all the boxes and encourage people to convert.

3. Look at your page content

Making small changes to your web pages can have a significant impact on your conversion rate.

You only have 0.05 seconds for your website to make the right impression, so if your web visitors can't find what they want straight away, they're going to leave.

Some of our top tips for optimizing your page content include:

  • Adding keywords from your ad to your page copy and headings
  • Using bullet points and headings to make your content easier to read
  • Rewriting your page to remove jargon and hard-to-understand language
  • Sticking to one clear call to action and including it at the start and end of your page content

Try different things and see what works best on all your web pages.

We hope this short guide has given you some inspiration to review your pages and look at the ways you can boost your conversion rates!

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