Top 5 Remarketing Campaign Mistakes to Avoid

remarketing mistakes

Remarketing or retargeting is a popular PPC strategy that is aimed at a group of prospects who have shown some interest in your offering with their previous behavior or action. Stats show that remarketing can help boost your ad engagement by a whopping 400% and can result in up to 50% increase in your sales. However, you can’t get that kind of result if you are making the common mistakes as most marketers out there.

To help ensure that your remarketing campaigns are on track, here are five common mistakes that you should be avoiding.

1. Targeting an Audience That Is Too Small

Data is needed for ad algorithms to function properly, and when you’re targeting a small audience, your budget may not serve well. No matter what platform you are advertising on, if the group you’re remarketing to is below 1000 people, you’ll struggle.

When using a customer list for determining a Similar or Lookalike Audience, remember that it may take around 48 hours to completely process the seeded info, giving you a “too small to serve” until the processing is complete.

Nevertheless, you should build a target audience for later. Just keep targeting it for a while and see how things turn out.

2. Not Rotating the Ads You Serve

When you display the exact same ads time and again, it exhausts your marketing message, and people start getting annoyed. If you don’t want people to remember you as an annoying business with some stale offer, create several ads and keep rotating them regularly. It will keep you on everyone’s mind without having to push it. Rotating your ads means you have more chances of earning the interest of your target audience.

3. Not Cross-Selling and Upselling

People who are in the discovery phase aren’t just researching potential solutions to their problem but also trying to confirm that they are aiming to solve the right problem. Therefore, when you set up your remarketing campaign, you should test both sell and cross-sell messages and even an upsell message.

Give your audience multiple reasons to remember you, particularly if you’re offering products that complement each other or are common supplements. A cross-sell message promotes related product offerings, whereas an upsell message can encourage your audience to try something more elaborate.

4. Remarketing to Buyers Who’ve Already Purchased

Many marketers waste their remarketing dollars on buyers who have converted already, and it’s a mistake you must avoid when you set up your remarketing campaign. It’s simple; nobody would want to see an advert for something they have just bought. As they are not likely to take action, it is recommended you should exclude people who converted in the last 7-14 days. However, you can still retarget them for cross-selling or upselling.

5. Working With a Set-and-Forget Approach

Another common remarketing mistake is the set-and-forget approach. Like any other marketing strategy, remarketing also needs trial and testing to get the best results eventually. You need to review data, experiment with your messaging, and A/B test all the elements of your remarketing campaign to get the desired results. Stay flexible and continuously optimize your remarketing campaign to make the most of it.

Avoid these common remarketing mistakes and launch a fool-proof remarketing campaign to capture attention, increase conversions, and see immense growth. Start now!

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