3 Essentials to Effective Ad Copy

Creating effective Google Ads ad copy can be tough, and to be successful its extremely important that you're strategic about the process. Here are three essentials that you should keep in mind when crafting your ad copy.

Target your message
The first question you should ask yourself when preparing ad copy is, who am I targeting? Your ad copy should always be tailored to the keywords that are triggering your ads. To do this, you’ll want to split your keywords into numerous ad groups, each with its own theme. This organization will allow you to write ads with specific searchers in mind. The more relevant your ad copy is to the keywords your advertising on, the more likely consumers are to click through and visit your webpage.

Stand Apart
Let’s face the facts, you’re not the only one bidding on your keywords. Searchers looking for your product or service are going to have their choice of which listing to click. So what grabs their attention? Without a unique message, you won’t be able to set your brand apart from the competition. When crafting ad copy, always use the keywords that are triggering your ads, but go above and beyond and set yourself apart. Do some research and observe how your competitors advertise on specific themes or products. With this in mind, think of some ways you can differentiate and stand out from the crowd.

Call to Action
Think about what it is that you want searchers to do when they see your ad. It could be that you want them to download information, call you for assistance, or buy directly from your webpage. Whatever it is, by calling your audience to take a specific action, your ads are more likely to convert.

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  • AffiliateGuide.com - Affiliate directory and resource center offering a huge range of web affiliate programs and affiliate information.
  • Passionforppc.com - PPC Management Services.