It’s always important to be proactive when battling click fraud on your PPC campaign. Along with utilizing a third party tracking software such as, additional measures can be taken on your end to ensure the most successful ROI. ClickReport has compiled some additional tips for deterring click fraud attempts on your PPC campaign.
1. Install Geographic Targeting Tools- By targeting your advertisements to only consumers in specific areas, you’ll reduce the opportunity for malicious clickers to view and click on your ads. Often times click fraud companies will outsource their fraudulent activity to a third party in a different location, and if your ad is only being displayed in relevant areas you're greatly reducing your chances of click fraud attacks.
2. Monitor Keywords- Be on the lookout for suspicious keyword activity, such as a spike in searches on a specific keyword, or a dramatic difference in your click through rates and conversions. These statistics are often red flags and can indicate foul play or fraudulent activity attempts on your campaign.
3. Protect Your Online Forms- Install a captcha on your contact form submission to prevent robots from filling out fraudulent contact information on your site.