How to Use Click Fraud Monitoring to Increase Conversions?

click fraud monitoring

Click fraud is probably the biggest threat to your advertising campaigns today. You might be doing everything right, but fraudulent clicks may deplete your ad budget without increasing conversions. Fortunately, marketers can save millions with effective click fraud monitoring and increase conversions by taking necessary actions. Let’s find out how proper monitoring can help prevent click fraud and boost conversions.

What Makes Click Fraud Monitoring so Important?

Simply put, click fraud monitoring helps ensure that your competitors or ad publishers involved in fraudulent clicking don’t waste your PPC ad budget and starve you of valuable conversions. Don’t understand how it works?

Well, if your ad reserves the top spot in SERPs, and your competitor on the second spot is unable to outbid you to claim the first position, they might repeatedly click your ad to waste your ad budget. Once your daily ad-spend limit is reached, your ad will automatically turn off for the day, allowing your competitor’s ad to take the top spot.

Sometimes, it’s not the competitors but the professional fraud rings. These click bots are often responsible for millions of fake clicks and views per day and can significantly deplete your advertisement budget. Whatever their motive might be, they are stealing your important conversions and future prospects. Therefore, it is important to monitor your ad activity regularly and avoid click fraud.

How to Prevent Click Fraud and Increase Conversions?

You can either take the DIY Route for preventing click fraud or use fraud detection software for regular click fraud monitoring. Either way, you’ll be increasing the number of genuine clicks on your ads and, hence, the conversions. Here’s how each of these options works.

Taking the DIY Route for Click Fraud Prevention

An effective DIY method for preventing click fraud is the use of internal reporting. For this to work, you need to collect the following information:

  • IP Address – the address used to generate a click
  • Click timestamp – the time of a visitor landing on your webpage by clicking an ad
  • Action timestamp – the time of action completion on the website
  • User agent – the features of the click-generating device

Once you have this information, look for the IP addresses repeatedly landing at your webpage from your Google ad and not taking any action. If you spot IPs with lots of click timestamps and no action timestamps at all, they’re probably involved in click fraud and stealing you of important conversions. Next, have a look at the user agent to establish if the same person is using that particular IP involved in potentially fraudulent clicks. As soon as you identify click fraud, report it to Google for further investigation. You can also blacklist the IP address to avoid future clicks.

Use Fraud Detection Software

If you can invest in some credible fraud detection software, it will simplify things greatly. These tailored solutions monitor your ads for possible click fraud and automatically blacklist all the sources generating invalid clicks on your ads. As a result, your ad budget is preserved, and you get more conversions.

In today’s vulnerable environment, click fraud monitoring has become an important part of advertisers’ digital marketing strategy. By eliminating fraudulent clicks, you can get more genuine clicks and effectively increase your conversion rate.

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